Numerology Classes

Numerology 101

Have you ever wondered why you see the same numbers over and over again? Did you know some of the great mystic and scientists alike have said all of life can be explained in the numbers?

Often when people start seeing numbers the first code they see “everywhere” is 11:11. This is not by accident. It is an Awakening code! The Master number of Illumination, meaning you are awakening to see the Light all around you, the Universe is talking to you. Do you know how to listen to the Universe when she speaks to you in numbers? To learn more and discover how to decipher the code, you’ll want to take the Dragon Fire Teachings Numerology class!!!

The best way to take this class is by signing up for the 23-week deep dive into the secret wisdom of the numbers. In this you’ll do a deep dive into your own personal numerology chart. You’ll discover what the numbers say about your life path, destiny, karmic lessons, relationships, and SO Much More!!!

This class can truly be life changing as you implement the wisdom! Not only do you learn about your personal chart you’ll also learn the following: Understanding the meaning of the numbers 0-10, Understanding the Master Numbers 11-99 and what they mean for you when you see them, Discover the Angel Codes and what the angels are saying to you when you see these special numbers, You’ll learn how to learn the secrets of your home address, phone numbers, regional numbers, business numbers, and so much more!!!

Numerology has been used in China, Greece, Egypt, and Rome for thousands of years. Pythagoras founded the 1st University in 600 BCE. He believed that everything in life can be explained in numbers. He assigned numbers to letters and gods and goddesses; stating everything progressed in predictable cycles and assumed a relationship with the alphabet. He taught that order can be created out of chaos through numbers. Plato picked up and continued Pythagoras’ teaching. It wasn’t the system of numerology we use today but was a foundation upon which the Science of Numerology was built. The Kabbalistic Jews continued the teaching.

Numerology 201

This class is intense and amazing! You must have completed Numerology 101 through Earth & Sky Center to qualify for this class. This will take your skills to the next level! It will change how you see things in life around you and, if you read Tarot, it will deepen the way you read the tarot. If you never thought, you could learn the complexities of the Tarot this will give you a great way to learn with ease and deep perspective. This class has so many things layered into it.

Have you seen the image of the Kabbalah Tree of Life? Did you know within it, the secrets and mysteries of the Universe are described? The Numerology 201 class delves into the 10 Sefirot, their wisdom about life, the numerology behind it and the numbers 1-10 of each of the 4 suits of the Tarot.

Numerology 202

Numerology, The Tarot, and Tree of Life Part 2

Moving into the paths of wisdom from the Tree of Life you will learn about the 22 Paths of Life. You’ll discover how these paths correlate with the 22 major arcana and how to deepen the meaning in your life as you see this wisdom expand in the way you interact with the world around you. The 22 Major Arcana in the Tarot include concepts like: The Magician which correlates to the 1st path representing conscious existence, the conscious mind becoming aware of itself.

You will connect the dots of the numerology from this card and path correlative to your birth numbers (Birth, Destiny, Realization, Heart’s Desire, and Personality from Numerology 101) and what that means to the gifts and challenges you have in life. You will learn about the Empress card and the correlative path in the tree of life; and discover how that brings you from the 1st great spark of wisdom to true deep understanding. You’ll learn how she is a symbol of the subconscious, the divine feminine, intuition, and emotion. You’ll learn how the path that correlates to the Empress is the path of Illuminating Consciousness.

You will deepen the knowledge gained through Numerology 201 and as you explore the paths available to us in life you learn to see behind the veil of mystery into conscious choice. The Tree of Life is a pragmatic tool for seeing how and why things, people, and events are the way they are. As you deepen and understand this you begin to see how you can creatively and consciously manifest things, people, and events in your life.