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Aura 3D Class and Report

Science has brought us amazing technology allowing you to see your energy and your chakras with 3-Dimaging. The report contains a wealth of personalized information for you, all about you. In this workshop you will learn about the chakras and the electro-magnetic field called the biofield or aura. Manual included with class. You will also receive a photo of your aura and a personalized 14/15 page report showing your chakras and energy levels as you are today.

Intro to Sound Therapy and Singing Bowls

Have you wanted to learn more about singing bowls? What they are, how they work, how to play them? From the beautiful history of the thousand-year-old Himalayan Bowls to the more modern crystal bowls and more. This class will leave you excited to explore more about the ancient art of sound therapy. You will have time to experience a variety of singing bowls in the class as well as learn how to use them in your life, yoga practice, or healing practice. Manual included. Angelica has work with sound therapy for about 10 years and was trained by the Nepalese people where the art was born.

9 Week Chakra Class

The Chakras are spinning wheels of Light. The main chakras anchor in 9 primary spots on the body and get bigger as they expand away from the body. When heavy energies settle into the center of the chakras dis-ease manifests in the physical body. When we experience stress, particles of that accumulate in the outer part of the chakras. It is important to be able to recognize and clear that before it settles deeper in. Sort of like cleaning the house regularly instead of waiting until it accumulates and becomes overwhelming. Each of the chakras have specific things they correlate with mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Many western systems show the chakra system as 7 major points with the lowest being near the hips. It never made sense to Angelica that the chakras ended here and didn’t have any major connection points in the legs. One day, after 22 years of working in energy medicine (in 2016), Angelica suddenly saw the biofield of her client open up in front of her and saw 9 primary points of Light. Over the course of the next two years, she could hear the whispers of the Universe filling in all of the details for those two major chakras. You will learn about all of this in class for all 9 chakras. This includes the symbol for each chakra, the essential oils, yoga poses to open and balance the chakras, colors, foods, sounds, affirmations, and So much more!!!

Each week will be 90 min once a week for 9 weeks. This is available in person and online. Each week we dive into 1 chakra. It includes 1 hour of class time and a 30 min meditation with sound therapy to open and balance that chakra.

The Basics of Crystals Level 1

Have you been curious about crystals? Wondering what the meaning is of different types of crystals? Have you wondered how to work with them? How do you choose what crystals are best for you? This class is for you. Angelica has worked with crystals for over 30 years! She has a crystal store and teaches in a way that makes it fun and easy to learn. In this class you’ll learn how crystals work with the energy centers of the body. Which crystals to use for healing, love, improving communication, and so much more!! This is a One Night Class.

Intro to Chakras

In this class you will learn an overview about the 4 lower grounding chakras. You’ll learn about the central chakra, the Solar Plexus. Just as the sun is the center of the solar system, so too this chakra is the center of you, your Solar Center! Then you’ll learn a brief overview of the four upper chakras. We really recommend the 9-week chakra class to dive deeply into how to understand and work with the chakras in your life, but this will a good introduction to the basics of what the chakras and why you want to work with them.

Chakra Balancing

Chakras are responsible for, and have reaction to our energetic, emotional, physical, psychological, mental, and spiritual well being. This Chakra Balancing Course provides a comprehensive understanding of how they work, and where they are located. We also dive into their meanings, and how each one governs and reacts to our mind, body, emotions, and spirit.

Learn How to See Auras

Have you ever thought it would be amazing to see auras? But didn’t think you could? Did you know this is a skill you may be able to build? In this 2-week class Angelica Roth, M.P., will go over briefly what the aura is and how to practice learning to see it. You will learn exercises to practice seeing it that you will take home with you and try during the week. Then come back to practice and learn more techniques in class.

Home Cleansing

You likely know how to clean your house, dusting, sweeping, cleaning the windows, etc. But do you know how to cleanse your house? Have you ever felt the accumulation of old energy in your home? Have you noticed that after an argument in the home the room you were in doesn’t feel as good? What about visiting other’s homes? Sometimes you may walk into a space and notice it feels so bright and cheerful and welcoming while other places have you feeling like you just want to leave as quickly as possible. In your own home do you find it easy to relax when you want to relax? Can you focus when you want to focus? Are you filled with energy in your home when you need it?

It is important to cleanse and bless your space regularly in the same ways that you need to clean your house regularly. Cleaning your home helps your physical, mental, and emotional health. Cleansing your home also is important for your spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical health.

Intro to Magickal Properties of Herbs

Have you ever wondered how to add a little extra love into your baking? Or how to add some extra health benefits into a soup you’re making for a loved one? In this class you will learn the basics of metaphysical properties of several ingredients in your kitchen spice cabinet. If you feel you need a little extra protection around you, it might be time to make a pear and clove salad. Or perhaps you are wanting to generate some extra abundance for discretionary income, have you thought of putting cinnamon sugar on your toast while saying some affirmations and bringing it into yourself? This is a fun class with lots of great applications in your daily life.

Intro to Angels

Angels are everywhere. They guard, protect, guide, and help us in so many ways. You can learn to talk to, interact with, and understand Angels. We exist together, even though most of us don’t it. Peer into the realm of Angels and see how they can change your life, moving forwards.